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Socrates Famellos elected president of SYRIZA with 49.36% of the vote

The final results of SYRIZA’s leadership elections were announced on Monday afternoon, confirming Socrates Famellos as the party’s new leader with 49.36% of the vote. Pavlos Polakis followed with 43.57%, while Nikolas Farantouris received 5.08% and Apostolos Gletsos 1.99%.

The election, held on November 24, saw 70,152 voters participate, including 690 from abroad. Of the total votes, 69,500 were valid, while 652 were deemed invalid. Famellos secured victory with a margin of 4,024 votes over Polakis.

In the votes from abroad, Apostolos Gletsos surpassed Nikolas Farantouris (68 to 50), while Socrates Famellos received 317 and Pavlos Polakis garnered 223.

Polakis concedes; Famellos assumes leadership

Pavlos Polakis announced on election night that there would be no need for a second round, stating, “We have a president.” The following day, Socrates Famellos began his tenure with a direct critique of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Marking November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Famellos reiterated SYRIZA’s call for the legal recognition of femicide as a distinct crime.

A “new beginning” for SYRIZA

Addressing reporters, Famellos outlined his vision for the party and its priorities.

“We began work last night, meeting with key associates and executives at Koumoundourou to initiate our planning,” Famellos stated. “This is a significant moment for us, marked by strong participation that not only provided answers but also brought in many new members. I urge this wave of support for SYRIZA to continue.”

Famellos called on SYRIZA organisations across Greece to remain open to welcome new members and promote the party’s campaigns, including support for its media arms, Avgi and Kokkino.

“The restart also means empowering SYRIZA and the progressive Left with new cadres,” he added. “We are opening our offices, and SYRIZA is growing stronger. A unified voice means a bigger, more robust SYRIZA.”

Famellos concluded with a call to action, framing his leadership as the start of a revitalised SYRIZA committed to progressive change.


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